8:30 to 9:00 | Handover of documentation | |||||
9:00 to 9:30 |
OPENING -SEPYPNA's President -AEPEA's President -Authorities |
Closed circuit TV | ||||
9:30 to 11:00 |
PLENARY SESSION 1 Epigenesis (French) Chair: G. Fava-Vizziello (Italy) Speakers: F. Jouen (France), F. Ansermet (Switzerland) (simultaneous translation) |
Closed circuit TV | ||||
11:00 to 11:30 | Break | Break | Break | Break | Break | Coffee break |
11:30 to 13:00 |
SYMPOSIUM 1 Diagnosis psychopathology and classifications Chair: C. Bursztejn (France) Speakers: L. Bailly (Great Britain), V. Lingiardi (Italy), M. Speranza (France) (simultaneous translation) |
SYMPOSIUM 2 Prevention in early childhood (French) Chair: Bernard Golse Speakers: M.P. Durieux (Belgium), S. Missonnier (France) |
WORKSHOP 1 (Spanish) Chair: R. Prego (Spain) Speakers: D. Padilla (Spain), C. Pérez (Spain), M. Vicente (Spain), P. Bueno (Spain) |
WORKSHOP 2 Sick bodies in healthy minds, sick minds in healthy bodies among children in Israel (English) Chair: M. Keren (Israel) Speakers: E. Galili-Weisstub (Israel), S. Tyano (Israel), M. Keren (Israel) |
WORKSHOP 3 Day hospitals and centres. Incidence of socio-family factors in psychopathology. (Spanish) Chair: D. Cruz (Spain) Speakers: J. Claret (Spain), G. Trafach (Spain).
13:00 to 14:30 |
Free papers (English/French) |
WORKSHOP 4 Multifamily groups: a new therapeutic approach for teenagers (Spanish) Chair: N. Mascaró Speakers: N. Rabain, S. D'Agostino, L. Benaym |
TRAINING COURSE- "The first interview with the baby, the child, the adolescent and their family" (Registration not included) COURSE 1 - SESSION 1 "The first interview with the baby and the child" Speakers: P. Palau, I. Lambotte (Consecutive translation French-Spanish) Language: French-Spanish |
WORKSHOP 5 From education to treatment in childhood Chair: G. Fava-Vizziello (Italy) Speakers: G. Veronose (Italy), F. Agostini (Italy), F. Villa (Italy). |
TRAINING COURSE- "The first interview with the baby, the child, the adolescent and their family" (Registration not included) COURSE 2 - SESSION 1 "The first interview with the baby and the child" Speakers: S. Missonnier. C. Frisch-Desmarez Language: French |
Lunch |
14:30 to 16:00 |
PLENARY SESSION 2 Autism and ASDs Chair: J. Manzano (Switzerland) Speakers: A. Lasa (Spain), N. Georgieff (France) (simultaneous translation)
Closed circuit TV | ||||
16:00 to 17:30 |
SYMPOSIUM 3 Perinatality Chair: M. Baez (Spain) Speakers: M. Maldonado-Durán (USA), S. Missonnier (France), M. Becerra (Spain) (simultaneous translation) |
SYMPOSIUM 4 (french) Chair: M. Corcos (France). Speakers: A. Benjelloun (Marroco), A. Liberman (Spain), M. Corcos (France), A. Rojas-Urrego (Switzerland), J. Claret (Spain) |
WORKSHOP 6 Children in challenging social conditions (French and English) Chair: H. Lazaratou (Greece). Speakers: L. Legaki, K. Maglara, E. Marini. |
WORKSHOP 7 Work with teenagers and teams in residential institutions. Clinical and ethical aspects.
Chair: L. Rizzo (Italy). Speakers: L. Perulli (Italy), T. Scandale (Italy), A. Uselli (Italy), L. Rizzo (Italy). Language: Italian |
WORKSHOP 8 Acute disorders, intensive treatments (Spanish) Chair: C. Panera (Spain) Speakers: A. Jiménez (Spain), E. Garrán (Spain), A. B. Jara (España) |
18:00 to 19:00 |
Free papers (English/French) |
SEPYPNA General and Extraordinary Meeting | Free papers (English/French) | ZFree papers (English/French) | Free papers (English/French) |
8:30 to 9:30 | Free papers (English/French) | FREE PAPERS. SEPYPNA (Spanish) | TRAINING COURSE- "The first interview with the baby, the child, the adolescent and their family"
(Registration not included) COURSE 1 - SESSION 2 "The first interview with the baby and the child" Speakers: P. Palau, I. Lambotte Language: French-Spanish (Consecutive translation French-Spanish) |
TRAINING COURSE- "The first interview with the baby, the child, the adolescent and their family"
(Registration not included) COURSE 2 - SESSION 2 "The first interview with the baby and the child" Speakers: S. Missonnier. C. Frisch-Desmarez Language: French |
9:30 to 11:00 |
PLENARY SESSION 3 From baby to adolescent: between body and culture Chair: A. Braconnier (France) Speakers: B. Golse (France), F. González-Serrano (Spain) (simultaneous translation) |
Closed circuit TV | ||||
11:00 to 11:30 | Break | Break | Break | Break | Break | Coffee break |
11:30 to 13:00 |
SYMPOSIUM 5 ESCAP symposium: 3 case reports
Speakers: JP. Raynaud (France), Stephan Eliez (Switzerland), Véronique Delvenne (Belgium) (simultaneous translation) |
SYMPOSIUM 6 Theoretical and technical aspects of adolescent psychotherapy (FEAP children and adolescents section) (Spanish) Chair: A. Bejar (Spain) Speakers: J. Knobel (Spain), E. Peinado (Spain), A. Bejar (Spain) |
WORKSHOP 9 Radicalisation (French) Chair: JP. Matot (Belgium) Speakers: M. Perret-Catipovic (Switzerland), A. Masson (Belgium), JP. Matot (Belgium). |
(Spanish and French) Chair: X. Tapia (Spain) Speakers: B. Golse (France), J.J. Kintela (Spain), X. Tapia (Spain). |
WORKSHOP 11 Parents and conflictive separation Chair: U. Nizzoli (Italy) Speakers: S. Taccani (Italy), M. Baldassarre (Italy), C. Polizzi (Italy), G. Papadia (Italy). |
13:00 to 14:30 |
SYMPOSIUM 7 Parents-Child Psychotherapy : contemporary indications (French) Chair: B. Golse, B. Beauquier (France) Speakers: E. Stora, T. Metou, C. Desvignes, P. Velasquez, B. Quirot, S. Seguin, M.J Hervé, S. Rusconi, L. Ouss, S. Missonier, B. Beauquier (simultaneous translation) |
TRAINING COURSE- "Pratiques cliniciennes pour intervenir partant des principes de la théorie de l’attachement" (Registration not included) COURSE 6 - SESSION 1 Speakers: A. Galán Language: Spanish |
TRAINING COURSE- "The first interview with the baby, the child, the adolescent and their family" (Registration not included) COURSE 3 - SESSION 1 "The first interview with the adolescent" Speakers: M. Cailliau, I. Lambotte Language: French |
"Promoting childhood mental health in community units: Experiences to discuss and publicise" (Registration not included) COURSE 5 - SESSION 1 Speakers: J. Tizón Language: Spanish |
TRAINING COURSE- "The first interview with the baby, the child, the adolescent and their family" (Registration not included) COURSE 4 - SESSION 1 "The first interview with the baby and the child" Speakers: P. Pascual, S. Missonier, C. Frisch Desmarez Language: French-Spanish |
Lunch break |
14:30 to 16:00 |
PLENARY SESSION 4 Social impacts and psychoanalytical theory Chair: J.P. Matot (Belgium) Speakers: A. Abella (Switzerland), D. Houzel (France) (simultaneous translation) |
Closed circuit TV | ||||
16:00 to 17:30 |
SYMPOSIUM 8 Gender identity Chair: B. Golse (France) Speakers: A. Malchair (Belgium), J. Chambry (France), S. Gabaldón (Spain) (simultaneous translation)
SYMPOSIUM 9 Migrations and unaccompanied minors Chair: A. Pérez Fuster (Switzerland) Speakers: A. Rojas-Urrego (Switzerland), M.R. Moro (France). |
WORKSHOP 12 Therapeutic approach to acute mental pathology in adolescence (Spanish) Chair: A. Fernández Rivas (Spain) Speakers: M. Mayoral (Spain), J. Goti (Spain), A. Fernández Rivas (Spain) |
WORKSHOP 13 Early eating disorders (French) Chair: P. Palau (Spain) Speakers: P. Palau (Spain), L. Ouss (France), D. Charlier (Belgium) |
WORKSHOP 14 Assaults from children to parents: The phenomenom of the so-called philo-parental violence (Spanish) Chair: E. Tazueco Speakers: G. Borraz, L.Litvan, J. Tió |
18:00 to 19:00 | Free papers (English/French) | AEPEA Assembly | Free papers SEPYPYNA (Spanish) | Free papers SEPYPYNA (Spanish) | Free papers SEPYPYNA (Spanish) |
8:30 to 9:30 | Free papers (English/French) |
TRAINING COURSE- "Pratiques cliniciennes pour intervenir partant des principes de la théorie de l’attachement" (Registration not included) COURSE 6 - SESSION 2 Speakers: A. Galán Language: Spanish |
TRAINING COURSE- "The first interview with the baby, the child, the adolescent and their family"
(Registration not included) COURSE 3 - SESSION 2 "The first interview with the adolescent" Speakers: M. Cailliau, I. Lambotte Language: French |
"Promoting childhood mental health in community units: Experiences to discuss and publicise" (Registration not included) COURSE 5 - SESSION 2 Speakers: J. Tizón Language: Spanish |
TRAINING COURSE- "The first interview with the baby, the child, the adolescent and their family"
(Registration not included) COURSE 4 - SESSION 2 "The first interview with the baby and the child" Speakers: P. Pascual, S. Missonier, C. Frisch Desmarez Language: French-Spanish |
9:30 to 11:00 |
PLENARY SESSION 5 Adolescence Chair: H. Lazaratou (Greece) Speakers: D. Bevington (Great Britain), M. Corcos (France) (simultaneous translation)
Closed circuit TV | ||||
11:00 to 11:30 | Break | Break | Break | Break | Break | Coffee break |
11:30 to 13:00 |
SYMPOSIUM 10 New technologies Chair: O. Bonnot (France) Speakers: R. de Menten (Belgium), F. Tonioni (Italy), O. Bonnot (France) (simultaneous translation) |
SYMPOSIUM 11 Attachment and psychoanalysis (French and English) Chair: M. Ibañez (Spain) Speakers: A.M. Speranza (Italy), D. Robin (Belgium), M. Ibañez (Spain) |
WORKSHOP 15 Domestic and international adoption: a journey through transculturality and attachment (Spanish) Chair: T. Sandoval (Spain) Speakers: M.R. Moro (France).
WORKSHOP 16 AMBIT in practice (English) Chair: M. Dangerfield (Spain) Speakers: D. Bevington (Great Britain), M. Dangerfield (Spain) (consecutive translation) |
WORKSHOP 17 Care of children with serious behaviour problems: experience with outpatients Chair: A. Carreira (Portugal) Speakers: A. Correia (Portugal), R. Rodrigues (Portugal), L. Costa (Portugal), S. Pereira (Portugal). |
13:00 to 14:00 |
CLOSING LECTURE Ethical aspects in the mother-child relationship Chair: J. Baró (Spain) Speaker: B. Roman (Spain) (simultaneous translation) |
Closed circuit TV |